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Pop ups must:

  • Require the user to act (Material.io)
  • Provide relevant and actionable information (Material.io)
  • Use consistent messaging see Messaging
  • Contain a heading (minimum bold 20 sp) and body text (minimum 14 sp)
  • Display one or two action buttons (Material.io) - see Buttons

Pop Up Message Syntax

Pop up headings must provide a brief statement (Material.io) of up to four words relating to the pop up - see Messaging.

Pop up body text must provide a concise message (iOS Human Interface Guidelines), with a full stop or question mark at the end of the message (Material.io).

For example, provide a ‘Are you sure?’ pop up with yes/no options prior to submitting, changing or deleting critical data. Use this confirmation for critical data changes only, to avoid overuse (iOS Human Interface Guidelines).

When a pop up appears, use a transparent overlay to darken the background.

Pop up Message with Action Buttons

Pop up Message with Action Buttons

Pop ups require a minimum contrast ratio of 3:1 between the pop up colour and colour of the screen behind the pop up (WCAG 2.1) - see Accessibility.

To close a pop up, the user must select an action button (Material.io).

Pop Up Text Standards

Style Font Type Font Size (em/rem) Font Case Font Emphasis
Heading Calibri 16 Title Bold
Body Calibri 14 Sentence Plain