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Toggle switches must:

  • Provide on/off functionality (iOS Human Interface Guidelines, Material.io)
  • Differentiate between checked and unchecked states (iOS Human Interface Guidelines)
  • Have a text label relating to the option that the switch controls (Material.io)

When a user selects a toggle, the action must take place immediately (Material.io).

Toggle On

Toggle On

Toggle Off

Toggle Off

Radio Buttons

Radio buttons must:

  • Allow a user to select a single option from a list of pre-set options (GOV.UK Design System, Material.io)
  • Differentiate between checked and unchecked states (Material.io)
  • Have a text label relating to the option

Avoid pre-selecting radio buttons.

Radio Button Selected

Radio Button On

Radio Button Unselected

Radio Button Off


Checkboxes must:

  • Offer the user one or more pre-set options from a list (GOV.UK Design System, Material.io).
  • Be independent from each other: selecting one checkbox does not unselect others
  • Differentiate between checked and unchecked states (Material.io)
  • Have a text label relating to the option

Avoid pre-selecting checkboxes.

Checkbox 'Checked'

Checkbox On

Checkbox 'Unchecked'

Checkbox Off

Dropdown/pickers include one or more scrollable lists of values (iOS Human Interface Guidelines), such as date, time, country, or blood type.

The app design can use dropdown/pickers to select from multiple options, such as selecting a country from a pre-set list.

Dropdown/pickers must:

  • Appear at the bottom of the screen (the height of five rows of values) (iOS Human Interface Guidelines)
  • Display values in a logical and predictable order (iOS Human Interface Guidelines), such as:
    • List of countries in alphabetical order
    • Dates shown in calendar order
  • Provide an appropriate default value (iOS Human Interface Guidelines)