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Do not display more information than is required (ICO, GDPR).

The app design must make additional non-essential information available by expanding a higher-level component to reveal lower level components - see Gesture Control or pop up - see Pop Ups.

Collect only required information (GOV.UK Design System, ICO, GDPR).

The app design should update data every 10 minutes to ensure data accuracy (ICO, GDPR).

The app design must

  • Log notifications
  • Provide easy access to audit logs detailing data entries and user activity
  • End sessions, with a timeout, after 10 minutes of inactivity
  • Store data securely during transit and at rest
  • Autosave text entry fields on the app every 30 seconds

The app design should automatically save data entry fields, periodically, to prevent data loss (WCAG 2.1).

The app design must:

  • Highlight the difference between medical information and patient information to users
  • Label non-clinical information clearly next to the data field name - for example:
    • Patient Information (Non-Clinical)